Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia at Dhaka
Victoria University (VU) (www.vu.edu.au) is recognized as one of Australia's most progressive universities, offering its students a unique combination of academic and practical skills to enhance their career opportunities. More than 50,000 students and 3,000 staff from more than 90 nationalities make VU one of the most culturally diverse universities in Australia. Over 3000 students study at VU's eleven Melbourne campuses and over 4,500 international students study in the off-shore campuses located in Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. VU started its operation in 2001 in Bangladesh under the name of Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia), Dhaka Study Centre located at Road No. 4A, Building No. 55, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
The MBA programme at the Dhaka Study Centre
Mr. Aslam Khaleel, Senior Manager, Marketing of AHC & Co. Ltd. which is the local counterpart of Victoria University has been asked about the MBA programme and his comments are as follows :
The Victoria University MBA Program at Dhaka Study Centre has started from March 2001. The Program is designed exclusively for people with work experience and as such delivered during evenings and weekends. Students attending the course at Dhaka Study Centre are awarded the same degree that is offered in Melbourne and other offshore campuses in Beijing, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Faculties from the VU Melbourne campus also take classes at other offshore campuses including Dhaka. This enables the university to maintain the same academic standard at all its campuses. So far, about one hundred and forty students have graduated from Dhaka Campus. The unique features of Victoria MBA are :
* Faculty from VU, Melbourne for each and every course taught at Dhaka
* Same curriculum followed and certificates awarded at Melbourne, Beijing, Malaysia, Singapore and DHAKA
* Credit transfer to Melbourne and other VU's offshore campuses
* International credit transfer agreement with more than 100 renowned universities around the world (www.vicuni.com)
The Dhaka Study Centre of Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia is currently offering its MBA major in Finance, Marketing and Human Resources Management and has a plan to introduce professional degrees (post-graduate) in the near future. VU graduates and students are well placed in the industry both at home and abroad.
The Victoria MBA aims to provide appropriate business management skills to managers from diverse backgrounds who are graduates of degrees in commerce, business, engineering, science or humanities and have work experience to indicate their ability to undertake the program successfully. The teaching approach of VU brings a unique blend of academic and practical knowledge of management development. Achieving a Victoria MBA makes managers more effective, enhances their career opportunities across the frontiers and boosts personal development.
In Dhaka Study Centre, the academic year comprises of three semesters:
First Semester : March to June;
Second Semester : July to November and
Third Semester : November to February.
Victoria University, Melbourne has added a new dimension to contemporary business education in Bangladesh by introducing its globally acclaimed MBA program at the Dhaka Study Centre. Starting with only twenty-nine students in March 2001, Victoria University's MBA program in Dhaka has now become a household brand in the corporate world.
As part of its continued commitment towards higher education and development, Victoria University, Melbourne has significantly reduced the tuition fees of its MBA program (in Bangladesh) from Taka 3,35,400/- to Taka. 2,52,000/-. The new fees have bee in effect from July 2006. It may be mentioned here that the tuition fees for the same MBA programme in Australia is Taka 14.82 lacs, Singapore is Taka 8,75 lacs, Malaysia is Taka 6.81 lacs and Beijing is Taka 6.48 lacs.